Categories --> Mats --> Anti-Fatigue & Safety Mats --> Anti-Fatigue Mats for DRY Commercial and Industrial Environments --> KleenSweep SpongeCote� No. 433 KleenSweep SpongeCote� No. 433
Vinyl Surface with a 1/2" Thick Nitricell� Sponge Base
Named for it's round-rib surface pattern, KleenSweep SpongeCote� is easy to maintain in heavy use areas. This flexible vinyl surface adds to the overall comfort of the mat while also providing good resistance to many common industrial chemicals and solvents. KleenSweep SpongeCote� with its Nitricell� sponge base, is a great tool for reducing fatigue in heavy-use environments.
CUT SIZES AVAILABLE - 2, 3 & 4 Foot Widths up to 75 Foot length CUSTOMIZATION AVAILABLE - Square Edges, Custom Widths and Unique Configurations.
SPECIFICATIONS USES: All dry work areas COMPOUNDS: Vinyl surface with a Nitricell� sponge base COMPRESSION: .31 inches @ 35psi per ASTM D575 COEFFICIENT of FRICTION: .84 Dry per ASTM F 1677 TABOR ABRASION: <1% lost @ 1,000 cycles per Fed Std. 193 FLAMMABILITY: "A" Rating per MVSS 302 EDGING: Safety beveled THICKNESS: Approx. 1/2" WARRANTY: 3 year, conditional COLOR: Black
Price per Mat or Square Foot (WxL) for Custom Sizes. Most Mats ship UPS except very large sizes ship via Truck.
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