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Categories --> Packaging --> Labels --> LASER LABELS - Plain, Colors and Printed --> LASER LABELS with Fluorescent Colors

NOTE: Not Recommended for use in Ink Jet Printers

Face Edge-Trimmed for Superor Feed Pefrformance
Mimimizes Feed Jams and Reduces Maintenance

3 Sizes and 5 Colors. Peel & Press to Apply.

Colors: Red, Pink, Orange, Green & Yellow
ADHESIVE: Permanent Peel & Press
SHEET SIZE: 8-1/2" x 11"
PACKED: 100 Sheets in Poly Bags per Box
LABEL SIZES: 2-5/8" x 1", 4" x 3-1/3", 8-1/2" x 11"

PRICE per BOX of 100 Sheets

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Laser Label, Green Fluorescent
30 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 1 x 2-5/8"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Orange Fluorescent
30 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 1 x 2-5/8"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Red Fluorescent
30 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 1 x 2-5/8"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Yellow Fluorescent
30 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 1 x 2-5/8"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Green Fluorescent
6 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 3-1/3 x 4"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Orange Fluorescent
6 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 3-1/3 x 4"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Pink Fluorescent
6 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 3-1/3 x 4"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Red Fluorescent
6 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 3-1/3 x 4"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Yellow Fluorescent
6 Labels per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 3-1/3 x 4"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


Laser Label, Green Fluorescent
1 Label per Sheet
100 Sheets/Box
Price per Box

Size: 8-1/2 x 11"

Weight: 3.00 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: Bx
Quantity Price
1 to 1$26.95
2 to 4$24.26
5 to 9$22.64
10 to 999$21.02
Item #:


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