Trash Can and Dumpster Deodorizer
Dry Deodorants A combination of baking soda and an odor-fighting fragrance quickly destroy tough odors on contact. Sprinkle directly on garbage each time more is added to eliminate odors. Ideal for use in trashcans, dumpsters, drains/grease traps, and diaper pails. Envi
Trash Can and Dumpster Deodorizer 42.6-oz. carton 9 cartons/Case
Weight: 27 Lbs.
Shipvia: UPS
List: $52.26
Quantity | Price | 1 to 1 | $42.33 | 2 to 4 | $38.10 | 5 to 99999 | $35.56 |
Item #: CDC8411600