Categories --> Mats --> Runner Mats --> Tenn-E-Klear No. 318  
Tenn-E-Klear No. 318
1/4" Thick Tapered Clear VinylCarpet Cover with Grippers
Tenn-E-Klear allows the beauty of your carpeting to shine through while protecting valuable carpets from the damaging effects of heavy traffic and use. Designed only for use on carpeted floor, Tenn-E-Klear has grippers underneath to hold it in place.
CUSTOMIZED MATS -2�, 3 & 4 ft wide up to 60 ft long.
USES: Indoor carpeted walkways COMPOUND: Vinyl COEFFICIENT of FRICTION: .80 Dry; .51 Wet per ASTM F1677 TABOR ABRASION: 1% loss @ 1,000 cycles per Fed Std. 193 TENSILE STRENGTH: 1,000 lbs. per square inch per ASTM D412 FLAMMABILITY: "A" Rating per MVSS 302 EDGING: Tapered THICKNESS: 1/4quot; WARRANTY: 1 year, conditional COLOR: Crystal (see thru)
PRICE PER MAT or SQUARE FOOT (WxL) for Custom Sizes Most Mats ship UPS except very large sizes ship via Truck.
�2005 Tennessee Mat Company,Inc.
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