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TM900 (6h x 8w x 9l) Industrial strength,solid molded rubber wheel chock provides maximum gripping power to prevent wheel slippage accidents. Equipped with a traditional eyebolt for chain connection,meets OSHA requirements and is resistant to sun,moisture,salt and oil. Optional chain available.

TM901 (8h x 8w x 8l) Extra heavy-duty laminated rubber and steel construction chocks provide maximum protection against wheel slippage. Designed to fit the curvature of tires on utility trucks and heavy equipment,this wheel chock is resistant to sun,moisture,salt and oil,and meet OSHA requirements. Equipped with a traditional eyebolt for chain connection. Optional chain available.
Chain for Wheel Chocks
Chain up to 20ft. Lengths
Price per Linear Foot

Size: Variable Cut Length
Weight: 0 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: 1 / Lin. Foot

List: $2.20
