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Ergo-Stance® is ergonomically designed to stimulate blood flow and prevent fatigue. Its amazingly comfortable sponge base consists of low-density and high-density rubber sponge strips, alternating every 12". This variation actively stimulates leg muscles, which encourages circulation and lessens fatigue. Ergo-Stance® has an attractive marbleized rubber surface that withstands heavy use in all commercial and assembly areas.
CUSTOMIZED MATS - 2, 3, & 4 Foot Widths up to 30 Foot length with Square Edges, Custom Widths and Unique Configurations.

  • USES: All dry work areas
  • COMPOUND: Rubber surface with a dual density rubber sponge base
  • COMPRESSION: .202 inches @ 35 psi per ASTM D575
  • COEFFICIENT of FRICTION: .78 Dry per ASTM F1677
  • TABOR ABRASION: 1% lost @ 1,000 cycles per Fed Std.193
  • FLAMMABILITY: "A" Rating per MVSS 302
  • EDGING: Safety beveled
  • THICKNESS: Approx. 1/2"
  • WARRANTY: 3 year, conditional
  • COLORS: Black, Blue, Gray
  • Ergonomic Ergo-Stance® Mat
    Rubber Surface w/Rubber Sponge Base
    Price per Square Foot

    Size: 1/2" x 2ft x Cut Length
    Weight: 2 Lbs.

    Shipvia: BestWay

    Unit: 1 / SqFt

    List: $10.48
