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GROUP A STOCK: White Gloss, Red Fluorescent, Green Fluorescent (All with Permanent Adhesive) GROUP B STOCK: Yellow Gloss, White Litho Opaque, Clear, FOIL: Bright Gold or Bright Silver. (All with Permanent Adhesive) GROUP C STOCK: White or Yellow Hi-Gloss, White or Yellow Litho, White or Yellow Smudgeproof Litho, Fluorescent-Red,Orange,Pink, Green,Chartreuse (All with Permanent Adhesive) GROUP D STOCK: OPAQUE: White Hi-Gloss or White Litho, U.L.Litho, FOIL:Gold or Silver(bright or dull),White Latex Impregnated. (ALL with Permanent Adhesive). Also these Fluorescent Colors: Red,Orange,Green with Removeable Adhesive NO PRINTING PLATE, TYPESETTING OR PREPARATION CHARGES. If Artwork is required, send Camera Ready Art. SEE CHART BELOW FOR SELECTION OF COLORS AVAILABLE
Oval Label Printed up to 3 Colors
GROUP C - Premium Stock Papers
Printed One Color. For Extra Colors, add $45.00/color for any quantity

Peel & Press Oval Labels on Roll
Price per 1,000

Size: 1-1/8" x 2-1/16"
Weight: 1 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: 1 / 1,000

