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General Purpose LIGHT DUTY KIT(#PSK2)Contains: 3,000 ft 1/2" wide strap with 300 lbs tensile strength, 300 wire buckles, hand pull tensioner & cutter. Self dispensing box with instructions. For the occasional user or many locations. HEAVY DUTY STARTER KIT(#PSKHD) contains: 7,200 ft 1/2" strap with 500 lb tensile strength, 600 metal seals, and both Tensioner and Sealer. For serious strapping. Strap, buckles, seals and carts available
Plastic Strapping Kit
Light Duty w/hand tensioner
1 Roll/Case
Price per Kit

Size: 1/2" x 3,000 Ft.. Strap
Weight: 5 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: 1 / Kit

