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Stronger Blue Stencil Tissue is ideal for long marking jobs or the high volume printing of label printing machines. Sturdy backing sheet makes it easier to hand write or type. The perforated edge of the white backing sheet makes it easier to handle and insert under clamps. CUSTOM PRINTED Almost any type of FIXED DATA can be pre-printed into the stencil. Variable information is then added by Computer, Typewriter or Ballpoint pen. Printed Stencils save time, reduce errors and greatly improve the appearance of the markings. PARTIAL LISTING OF SIZES AVAILABLE.
Plain Blue Stencils
Heavy Duty Blue Stencil
1,000 Stencils/Case
Price per 1,000

Size: 1-3/4 x 3-1/4"
Weight: 5 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: 1 / 1,000

