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LITHO PRINTING COSTS only..ADD this cost to the ENVELOPE COST NO PRINTING PLATE OR TYPESET CHARGES if camera ready art is supplied Envelopes may be grouped for quantity pricing; Add $25/Change If typesetting required, ADD $8/line($24 minimum); BRE and large type additional Prices listed are for light coverage without bleed, halftones or solids over 1"square For PMS colors chose uncoated colors due to the unique qualities of TyvekŪ If ordered, FIRST CLASS BORDERS are imprinted in green ink (PMS348) on face & back sides A proof copy will be provided for approval before printing. Delivered quantities may vary +/- 10%
Printing Costs only for Tyvek® Envelopes
1-PMS Color
Printing Price per 1,000 imprints. ADD this cost to the cost of Envelopes

Size: Expansion
Weight: 0 Lbs.

Shipvia: UPS

Unit: 1 / 1,000

